Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Guide to Staying Happy and Healthy

     Today the lovely, talented singer Jewel was on TV telling tips on health and happiness.  Good stuff.
     Here are a few of mine.  (1) Try to avoid drama if you can, unless it is within your own family or really close personal friends which is sort of unavoidable in some cases because we have to take care of our own to some extent, especially kids and parents.  (2)
Say no when something is impossible, inappropriate or you just do not feel comfortable about it, respecting your own boundaries.  However, once in a while, say yes, because you may find yourself pushing people away and missing some good times in your life.  (3) Be careful and cautious, but still take chances.  I think sky diving may be a better choice than ECT.  (4) Get at least forty-five minutes of exercise per day including yoga for relaxation muscle tone and spirituality.  (5) Take B vitamins for healthy hair, skin, nails and nervous system, omega fatty acids for heart health, A for eyes and calcium, magnesium and zinc for bones and circulation as well as weight management.  (6) Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and whether or not a vegetarian enough protein from tofu, beans, nuts, etc..  I eat meat, but not much red meat, just once in a while.  (7) Do not worry about what people think of you.  First of all it is pointless, because you can only be true to yourself and secondly if you dwell on others thoughts, you are renting space in your head and they do not care much about you anyhow, because they are focused on themselves.  (8) Do things you enjoy if you have time, like drawing, painting, singing, writing.  (9) Watch and read what you like not worrying about whether it is intellectual enough etc., and if you hang out with someone insist on watching what you want or reading what you want, etc. sometimes, certainly not always, but sometimes.  Relationships are hard, so I am not even going to go there, although love is a beautiful thing and togetherness is great in harmony.  
     Lastly, and I will not number this, love yourself.  A guy once said to me when I was feeling abandoned, my father had recently died and I had not gotten my kids back yet from their dad, "you have yourself." 
      At the time I was thirty-six years old and I thought, "what on earth is that supposed to mean?  What good is having myself?"  Well today and for some time now, I know what he meant.  It does mean something.  I found me.  I learned to love myself, a huge milestone for me, which I only came to after years and years of drama and suffering, and I mean major suffering.  The mental suffering was so bad I sometimes had to disengage from my own self, seeing myself as she rather than I.  I realize this must sound crazy, but I was never crazy.  I was just in a lot of pain then.  
     Another helpful, very helpful thing is meditation, mantras and pausing, breathing, slowing down.  The Course in Miracles has really helped to enlighten me.  The more enlightened I become, the happier I am, because I know this is all illusion and all that is is God, love, the Holy Spirit thought system, and my ego holds me back from this unity, although I am a long way from losing my ego of course.
     I have bad days and feel sad, scared, anxious and confused like most people.  I am not high and mighty.  I just have found some skills to deal with life on life's terms.  Much love.  Namaste.

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