Saturday, December 17, 2011

More About Metaphysics

About twenty-eight years ago I was living in Los Angeles and married with a baby. My then husband had been seeing a psychic without my knowledge back in South Carolina, who made predictions that were untrue. Thus, he almost went to California without the baby and me. I begged him to take us and he did.
I went to see Kitty Davey who is no longer living and she told me that there was a difference between spirituality and spiritualism and to read Baba's discourse on the occult, which I did and being a real debater imposed on Ron, my then husband.
While living in L. A. we had the good fortune of getting to know Filis Fredrick who is no longer living as well. She was a psychic who had known Meher Baba personally. She said that she had stopped using her psychic abilities due to Baba's teachings.
Years later after I was divorced and trying desperately to get out of an abusive relationship, I began calling two psychics, one in California, (I was back in the southeast now) and one in Montana. They were very accurate. The problem was me. I have always been a tough learner in life lessons. Believe me, I learn and learn well but it takes a lot to get through to me and I used to be very dependent, very unsure of myself. I was now the mother of two boys, a nine year old and a sixteen year old give or take a year.
The darkness that surrounded me due to low self-esteem and ego problems that I could never really explain, astounded me. My mind has always taken some strange paths. Long story short I learned to say no. I learned when enough was enough, what my breaking point was. Since then, I know a lot more about love and letting go and standing on my own two feet.
If only back when I taught school and drove a car I had had the internal life skills I have now that I am legally blind in one eye and totally blind in the other.
I do not mean to go from metaphysics to self-help, but my mind is split today. More from me to come soon. I would love to here your comments, women and men both and your experiences with the occult, Baba, relationships, self-growth etc.. I want to hear your experience strength and hope. Love to all.

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