Monday, April 29, 2013

Why You Cannot Win: Unless

     I guess if you are a politician, you can always win, at least with someone, no matter what your stand.  I have had to refrain from responding to a pro-Sarah Palin post on Facebook.  Yeah, I know it is weird, me having f friends, with those views, but, well, I do.  
     My love, Alan, who died of cancer last fall, was a right winger.  My younger son used to think he was just trying to be different, and I can see that, because when America's youth was for Obama, including my kids, one of my son's friends, said she did not want to be for Obama, (I mean in 2008), but for McCain, because she did not want to just blend in with the rest of America's youth.  I saw John McCain, just the other day, on CNN, saying we should go to war in Syria.  We don't even know who or what we are going to war with in these wars, but having investigated Operation Iraqi Freedom, I know that the Iraqi soldiers were our allies, and vice verse, the insurgents being the enemy, as well as the Iranians.   Still, I do not think another war would be good for our country, which is already being looked down upon, for our financial problems, etc., and our wars, which I will not put an opinion on.  I like to take a stand of a soldier, concerning war, because although I am not a soldier, I write about soldiers and the war, and want to give due and full respect for those who serve for their country.  For them, there is no choice, and the consequences always come unexpected, the nature of war.  And like the Bob Dylan song, All Along the Watchtower, performed best by Jimmi Hendrix, even in Dylan's opinion, because he, Jimmi Hendrix, tore it up on guitar, (he was 'sick,' as my kids' generation remarks), looking at Viet Nam, a war going on when I was a child, and looking at Life Magazine, says "there must be some way out of here..."
     Veterans and soldiers for our country, have been grossly overlooked for so long.  That is why I give to veterans when I can.  For some, there is no option, and recruiters come so early, and lives for kids are bleak and hard in America.  If you judge America by the upper middle class, the rich, the bourgeois, you have no idea what the average American kid's life is like today, and that is why I wrote American Boys, why I wrote so many different blogs pertaining to it, and why I gave talks on video about it.  America is not this country, that some may think, where everyone has everything.  That is a lie.  Many Americans have very little to nothing, and many soldiers need opportunity.  We do not care for veterans as well as we should, and instead of cowardly Americans, hiding behind your silly conspiracy theories, stand behind veterans instead, like a real human being, and stop with the silly, tired conspiracy theories, that do no one any good.  This is my message to extreme liberals, as well as extreme conservatives.  Both are toxic.  Palin's message was, to say the least, irresponsible, towards Congress woman, Gabrielle Giffords, as well as the six people, including a nine year old girl, who were killed, in that shooting.  I have read Giffords' husband's book, and Sarah Palin, for the record, never even reached out to them, in Gabrielle's recovery, at any time, from her comatose state, etc.. Contrary, President Obama and First Lady Michelle, came to see her, called, and did everything in their power to help.  (Republican politicians, other than Palin, did reach out.)  Mark, Gabrielle's husband, half expected Palin to call, but she never did.  He called her "irresponsible," in her bulls eye targeting, which Palin called, in bad taste, a blood libel.  If you have ever been to a holocaust museum, and know what that is, you know it is a phrase that should not even be uttered, because of its implications, but Sarah Palin, probably did not know what it means, only followed her written speech.  By the way, Gabrielle Giffords is Jewish.  
     I realize many people do not understand where I stand.  I am not a liberal, not a conservative, not a conspirators theory believer, not a war monger, not judgmental; I am a moderate Democrat.  I am a patriot, an American.  I believe in choice, but wish that more people would think things through before, during and after, and that there were less abortions.  I believe in the second amendment, the right to bare arms against a fascist, dictatorial government, such as Nazi Germany, but think there should be strict gun laws, as well as serious background checks, disregarding any problems the NRA has with that.  And, last but not least, I believe in a society that makes help for the mentally ill, not only available, but affordable.
     That is what I am all about.

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