Sunday, March 30, 2014

Clearing Chakras

     I realize that I have blogged on this before, but it is one of my favorite topics.  When the chakras are balanced and open through yoga and meditation, it is easier to communicate, to understand, to be grounded, to heal and to feel compassion.
     When you sit in a comfortable relaxation position, preferably on a yoga mat in lotus position with a candle and incense, eyes closed, you can visualize in your mind's eye.  Some people find visualization nearly impossible.  In that case, one can learn, but until then one can feel rather than visualize.  Kirtan type music or meditation music can also help in such circumstances where a person is more audio.  Also one can imagine textures such as velvet or silk, even sand and earth.
     Hands outstretched on the knees, you focus on the root chakra, red.  Located at the perineum, this chakra controls groundedness.  Allowing a silver chord to go upward in meditation, the next chakra or sacral chakra, color orange, controls creativity and sexuality.  Focus on opening and balance as the meditation continues upward.
     Right at the stomach, between the ribs, is the solar plexus, yellow.  This chakra controls energy and groundedness as well.  Continuing to align all chakras with the silver chord, it now reaches up to the heart, which is green.
     Imagine a staircase on which you travel down into this chakra in your chest, as though it were a cave and take a seat within your own heart.  This meditation visualization I learned from Didier when I attended his class here at the beach.
     The heart now open, you can continue up to the throat, blue or turquoise.  This is the chakra of communication, speech and singing.  Once a clear space is made here, you will be able to communicate better.
     Now the silver chord continues up to the third eye, indigo, insight, inner knowledge and wisdom.  Imagine purple, amethyst.  This is sight beyond the physical eyes.
     We continue up through the top of the head, the crown, white or gold.  This is the seventh chakra, the highest of all.  It is the chakra of compassion and divinity, Godliness. 
     Now we breath, our chakras flowing freely and balanced.  Slowly come back from this meditation, opening the eyes.  Bow to honor the light within for taking time to do this practice.  Namaste.

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