I got off the phone, politely. The thing is, though, that I find that although you cannot expect perfection in people, nor oneself, people are a bit insensitive. For example, most people don't do this, but some do, and that is, tell you bad things other people said about you. I always thought that was weird, and maybe even passive aggressive, in a way. I know I misuse that term, passive aggressive, sometimes. That's what people have told me anyway.
I feel like people are so judgmental of others, and yet they often have little understanding or depth of feeling, or empathy. So, when people tell me other people talk crap about me, or smack about me, I feel like, 'why are you telling me this? You talk smack about me, you know?'
I know I'm getting all ghetto and up in your face, lol, and like Girlfriend, or Brother, but I mean, I don't need to hear that, and I've been in this really peaceful, loving, serene, happy space, so I don't want to go all wiggin' out over some stupidity.
I find that people truly on the spiritual path, truly nice people, don't do that to people, and they don't talk crap about people.
People are quick to judge, and maybe I have been too, but all I am saying is that I am not going to be brought down by people, who engage in gossip, and being mean spirited.
I think the best way to deal with crap, is to love yourself, and take the stuff you like in this world, and leave this rest, but engaging in unhealthy stuff that people engage you in, is hurtful, a waste of energy, and one more thing to defeat the spirit.
I changed my name for ten years to Sage, but now I go by Leslie again. The reason I did that, is because the Cherokees burned sage to drive out evil spirits and bad vibes. People still do it all the time, and that is why I go by Sage as a nickname, but used to all the time. I didn't want bad vibes around me. I wanted to be cleansed, and be in a really clear space. I can't say it made my life suddenly perfect. That would be silly, but perhaps it helped.
My friend Alan thought all this introspection was silly. We were on the beach one afternoon, and I was doing yoga twists, talking about wringing out the toxins, and he asked me to please speak English. And, I know it gets old, all this, "I'm working on myself, bla bla ba, yada yada..., and I have issues to deal with." I know it's like cliches or something, but still, I really feel like if you surround yourself with positive thinking and light, things will be brighter.
I felt good about myself, in a way, because I did not let that bring me down. Still, I think if someone really cares about you, they won't tell you bad things others say about you, because they don't want to hurt you. I think a white lie is more moral than the truth, when it comes to hurting someone. If it is constructive, then maybe, but if there is no point to it, and it is only destructive, then it is not being a friend, and if they do not know better, than it is best to choose friends with better judgment. We all have some good friends. I know I do, people I trust, can count on. It may not feel that way every day, and every minute, but there are really good people in the world, that care, and most people have a few friends who actually do care and love them. But, if they talk smack about you, or repeat it, even if to you, you don't need them. (Smack is a word I just learned, recently, just so you won't think me too worldly, but I get what it means. I heard someone I hung out with, saying it... thought it was a good enough term for what I'm talking about.)
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