I guess being a neat person, and by neat, I mean one who keeps things in an orderly and clean fashion, has begun to get a bad rap, like you are a neat freak, neurotic, anal... So, it is sane to be really messy? What is wrong with this picture. I think people are so judgmental, and so busy looking for something wrong in someone, that instead of cleaning their house, they want to spend the time it takes to do it, dissing others. Okay, I am literally laughing out loud, as I write, so before you get mad at me, remember I am not always, and by that I mean, not always, but sometimes not to be taken too seriously.
I guess I just feel like if you live with people, you have to designate tasks, chores, or what not. In my home, everyone knows to do their dishes, as soon as they finish eating. That is so that someone who comes in the kitchen to fix themselves something to eat, does not find a mess to clean up. I admit that I sometimes do what others are supposed to, but not often, only when they forgot, or got distracted.
Although we, and I mean my grown kids and I, do not always have family dinners, but I try to make it so that each person in the household has to cook sometimes, something that is enough for everyone, and everyone has to get food at the store, to the best of their financial ability, at the time. So, in this way, at dinner time, you can go in the kitchen, and find something to eat, to heat up, that is prepared, or you might be the one to cook something everyone else can eat. I think this works out pretty well. This way, no one can be too selfish. Also, no one gets stuck with the brunt of everything, which is unfair.
To take it down a notch, truthfully, although I have always been a neat, fastidious, somewhat meticulous person, part of it is that when you have bad eyesight, you cannot really live any other way too easily.
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