I woke up wondering this. I slept all night through, until ten o'clock, not even waking to use the bathroom. I had some dreams, but nothing bad or great.
So, I began to wonder if the reason we take a while to fall asleep sometimes, is that we are resisting that completely restful state of tranquility. It is known, psychologically, that we need that time to rejuvenate, and if you ever went a long period without sleep, you know how bad that can be.
Eckhart Tolle talks a lot about the state of awareness, the power of now, like Ram Daas's 'Be Here Now.'
In all eastern thought, there is a philosophy of being present. Being mindful and present is the way, the only way, to live a truly fulfilling life, I think.
We spend a lot of time talking and thinking about our story, and telling it, and 'he said,' or 'she said,' and then I did this, or now I will try to find someone to complete me, or I will become top executive at work, whatever.
During difficult times, we resist sleep, because we are afraid to relax, and we think we need to resolve something, that we cannot if we are unconscious, or in a sleep state. It is normal to experience this at times in one's life, depression or anxiety. It is something most people cannot avoid.
Still, I have known people who were not really deep thinkers, who could be very present, and enjoy the moment, the sunny day, the ocean, the moon and stars. It does not matter. They have the right idea. I want to become more and more this way. My only ambition, I suppose, but on the other hand, I too, want things to happen, success, recognition, respect, love, etc., but can I just be with what is? I suppose so, and that is where fear comes in, the letting go of expectation, which lead to disappointments, and finding peaceful happiness and less resentments. I can if I just let go of the fear, be mindful, and carry on with complete human dignity.
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