During times when I was flat broke I have had almost no clothes, but things have been a little better, and not having transportation, you can buy clothes with the click of a button online or anything else for that matter.
It is kind of neat, but even if you are very frugal the prices are so low, it is hard to resist. I take an inventory in my mind, "do I have a brown sweater, a green shirt?..." and try not to be redundant. I tried to get rid of more stuff, nice stuff that I bought in the mall when I was living at the commission in Columbia. The black dress pants are nice, but a bit tight on the waste, although low wasted, but then I realize they are my only black dress pants besides black jeans and long black flowing pants and one pair of black silk pants given to me by a friend.
I do not want to be redundant with things.
Then I thought I would rid myself of these yellow workout pants and hooded matching sweater, but they are just kind of unique and what if I ever start teaching yoga?, and it just goes on.
At one time, my kids actually shared a sock drawer, yes communal boys socks in the top drawer of my dresser. Weird, I know, but it just worked out that way. We had nothing then. It may have been because we had all taken turns having that bedroom which was our best room in our old house where we lived before we moved here.
Then when David was a freshman in high school, I was able to buy him some jeans and Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and Grateful Dead shirts, because I had more money.
When I first was dating Alan, my ex-boyfriend, he was still in the awestruck phase. You know, before familiarity started breading contempt or maybe before I actively campaigned for Obama and he liked Palin, so we fought all the time. He was Scottish and can't vote anyhow. God love him.
He would say, "oh I love your clothes. They are all so European." And, I remember sitting on my bed in my room and him saying "oh, I love your hatboxes. They are so beautiful, and remind me of something I can't even remember," and stuff like that.
Then this doctor who I only socialized with briefly said, "what's in all the hatboxes?" when I was giving him a tour of my place. I said "socks, scarves, stuff like that," overflow I am really thinking, and he is obviously critical somehow, so I think perhaps I should have said, "body parts" or something sarcastic and crude.
Now I think if I could get rid of a lot of stuff I might feel better, but then I might miss stuff, but then of course I would get over it. I miss the old days in the sixties and seventies when I was just a kid and we had very few clothes, and shopping was a very seldom event and more special. By the way I am by no means a hoarder. I part with stuff all the time. There just seems to always be more where that came from, but I guess I keep what I like and get rid of the rest.
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