Sunday, June 10, 2012

Addendum to My Previous Article about Friendship

     This is an addendum to my article about friendships dissolving into the the quantum physical nothingness from which they came.
Just kidding.  No, I really thought about it today with deep contemplation and seriousness.  Well, I thought of another thing to do with friendship.
     If you apologize to someone, and they will not or cannot forgive you, assuming you did anything wrong, unless you completely destroyed their life, ex:  stole their husband, their money or kidnapped their child like in a lifetime movie, then they really do not like, love or care about you.  
     Another thing is if they never apologize to you for anything because they are self-righteous, then they do not care for you or for that matter may not even be a good person.  What is a good person?  I felt my reader asking that.  I do not know.  Just someone who does not spike people's drinks.  OK, I am sorry I am having trouble writing this with a straight face.  I am laughing too hard.  My brother and I have these long conversations about everything on the telephone.  We live two-thousand miles apart.  We discuss everything, and our conversations, and I am laughing because one reason he says I am a good person is that I would never spike someone's drink.  That reminded me of the Lifetime movies where someone is always spiking someone's drink or plotting against someone.  Geesh!
     I told him about how I went to a bar for a drink with a girlfriend, and these guys wanted to give us a drink that had been sitting around I think.  Of course I said "no we can't have that", and the bartender tossed it as fast as she could and he was like, "oh man, she wasted a perfectly good drink."
     What a time when you cannot even leave your drink unattended because people have evil in mind sometimes.  
     So, back to the friends thing, I mean, I think if someone is your friend for real it would be like family, unconditional love.  That is how it is with my family.  I mean do not get me wrong.  We have problems and we are no Clevers or anything like that, but my family has unconditional love and always has.
     So, in all seriousness, I really think these principles define friendship.  I mean if you say "I'm sorry", and the other person can never admit to any shortcoming in anyway, forget it.  You did everything you could because you were not even asking them for an apology for their side, just an acceptance of yours.  Egos are strange creatures.  The Course in Miracles says that we are minds and not bodies or egos, and I will take it even a step farther and say that we are not even minds, but souls.  But, the term mind really does not refer to your thinking and all that, but to a collective mind or consciousness, synonymous with the soul.  At least that is my  interpretation.

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