Both my kids were home, so I was suggesting to each of them, what I thought they might read. Some were self help books, and some were fiction, as well as some poetry books and some of a spiritual nature. My kids did not want to read, though.
I said, jokingly of course, "have I raised a couple of illiterates?" My father might have said a thing like that.
My son said I sounded like the mother on the show Two and a Half Men. Ha, ha.
I got rid of some books and yoga videos and games, but still too many books. Sometimes I feel like throwing out everything I own, and going on some kind of new life or something. It is not that I do not appreciate the things I have, just that I feel so weighted down all the time, so trapped by illusion, so much inertia, like walking in quick sand. My back hurts with the weight of all I feel loaded down with.
It is not that I do not have a positive outlook, or that I am depressed, just this incredible longing to be free, to be free to do what I really want, but can't. It is hard to explain. It just is what it is, I suppose.
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