I have had a dilation and curettage for fibroids, as well as endometrial biopsies. Dilation and curettage is also how early abortions are done, which is why if you have to have one for other reasons, they are sure to do a pregnancy test to make sure of not doing an uncalled for abortion.
While there is not a lot of stock in women miscarrying who have had an abortion, numerous abortions, do cause incompetent cervix, especially if in the second trimester, when the cervix is dilated wider.
You may think, "what are you talking about," but there are people who have abortion after abortion.
People complain about women on welfare who have children for more welfare, which is zilch, but I am more annoyed by women who have abortion after abortion. Welfare is less for two children, than most women who receive child support get on a minimum basis. They may be working the system, but not getting rich, and are living in poverty.
Before you poopoo me, that I do not know what I am talking about, on either front, do the research as I have, and then tell me I am wrong.
And, there is this thing that has been around for a while, called birth control, which can be taken responsibility for by the male or female. Single people should not be having sex without condoms these days anyway, with all the diseases that have emerged, HIV, the virus which causes AIDS, herpes, HPV, chlamydia, etc., just to name a few.
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