I guess for a while.
I guess the trick, is try to make do with what you have for now, and then if you really need or want something, then obtain it. The idea of Feng Shui is that good luck and fortune will come, once the space for that is clear, so it is tempting to want that to come now, and sometimes one does not know what one truly needs.
In a sense, you know what you need, food, water, exercise, coffee... But, in terms of long term needs, we cannot really control what we get, I mean I cannot, but we can control what we do not need.
Like with people, besides family, sometimes it is good to clean house, and not have people in your life, who are not good for you. Eventually, you either lose or get rid of them in the end, anyway.
For example, if someone leaves you for someone, and then rebounds to you, and you accept them back, or try to, and you fear that even though they say they love you, if you let go, they will go back to the other, even though they are saying, "I love you...," the truth is they will go back to that person, anyhow. If they left you once, they will leave again, and they will definitely go back to the other person, no matter what you do. You probably think I am cynical, but I have learned this from experience. So, my experience in the love department, 1) do not trust a cheat, 2) do not take a long lost lover, who left you, back, 3) people usually do not change, 4) do not let others control you, 5) children before lovers, 6) do not let anyone make you support them, nor give them money, 7) any type of abuse, physical, mental, emotional, sexual, is not acceptable, 8) never stay with someone who either flirts, or talks about other people as if they are interested, unless you and that person have an open relationship, which never works, 9) be disrespected by no one in the least, and if they do, say, "don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave," and mean it for crying out loud.
Okay, how I went from wanting things, to Feng Shui, to relationship advice: I do not know. Perhaps, I really had nothing to blog on today. I will be coming up with great new topics soon, so stay tuned. Isn't it always the people who have zero luck in the love department, I mean maintaining it, that have the most advice? Oh no, self deprecation. Just kidding. I guess I got onto that subject, because people tend to want people, like things, possessions.
Money and love, the two things wanted most, or is it money and sex? Personally, I do not want sex without love. Some people would prefer it that way. And, truthfully, money is great to have, but I have never been into money, but like not to worry about it, financial freedom, rather than wealth, but wealth would be nice.
Well, it is another nice day out there. I feel sad about the kid that got killed on the CCU campus, one of my two universities I attended. It is so sad. They are having a candle light vigil for him tonight. I am sure there will be many tears. The counselor there, said on the local news, that she has had a steady stream of people needing to talk to someone. Another result of death from a gun. Very, very sad. A kid goes off to college, and gets shot in his dorm.
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